La Soluzione di MSC per il trasporto dei Kiwi gialli in Cina

Il Reefer Manager del Gruppo Le Navi fornisce alcune indicazioni su come il servizio Reefer MSC consenta un trasporto sicuro e veloce anche per una merceologia così delicata e di valore.

Un estratto dell’articolo, presente anche su Fresh Plaza:

The gold kiwi fruit in particular, sweeter than its green cousin, is seeing growing demand all round the world, particularly with Chinese consumers.

“The gold kiwi is emerging as an important export product for Italy. Demand is growing, particularly into China. MSC is responding to these trends by providing advanced reefer technology that is required by our partners and shippers to ensure the product reaches on time to its destination in perfect condition,”

says Vincenzo Tomassetti, Reefer Manager for MSC in Italy.

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